Using AngularJS On Your Website

Using AngularJS On Your Website

Adding AngularJS to your website provides a way for someone updating potentially repetitive information on a website, to streamline their work all from one source.  For example, if you have a price list of products which you would like to display on multiple web page, you can place a minimal amount of code on each page and pull the data from one source file.   When the data source file is updated, all of the content on every page will automatically be updated.

AngularJS Example

On AngularJS is used to update series of products like Oracal 651 which because of so many size options, colors and prices, there are many product pages.  AngularJS keeps all the ever-changing prices up to date but only requires one price list file to be modified.

Price list using AngularJS

Alternatives to AnglarJS

AngularJS is just one of many ways to accomplish the same task. Including or requiring a php file that can be called over and over as many times as you want can also do the same things. Looping through an array in JavaScript or just assigning variables that can be globally accessed could be another way.  No one technology is the right fit for all scenarios but it does have a place as handy, quick and easy to maintain solution.

Resources to Learn AngularJS

Here are some great links for beginners to learn more about how to use AngularJs.  Some HTML, JavaScript and programming knowledge is recommended before diving into learning this Library.


If you are interested in adding AngularJS On Your Website contact We Web Build.

Moving WordPress to new domain name

This is a great video tutorial on how to move your WordPress site to a new domain name by moving all of the files as well as the database. Here is a summary of the ten steps so you wont have to go back and watch the video again.

  1. Set up your new domain name and hosting.
  2. Backup all your wordpress files using an FTP service like WinSCP or FileZilla.
  3. Backup and export your database using cPanel and phpMyAdmin.
  4. Create a new database for the new domains WordPpress installation.
  5. Upload all files to new domain folder using FTP.
  6. Edit wp-config.php file with database name, user name and password
  7. Install search and replace plugin and replace old domain throughout site.
  8. Set 301 redirect in .htaccess file.
  9. Update webmaster tools of domain name change.
  10. Check and test everything on website.

SEO (Search engine optimization)


SEO Don’ts:

  • Don’t have two domain names point to duplicate content using two separate URLs.
  • Don’t have a Keyword stuffed title over 70 characters.
  • Don’t use generic URL/ file names.


SEO Do’s:


Plan your keywords by analyzing your target audience.  Optimize your pages by using the language and lingo that your target audience will use.  For example, a doctor who wants to attract clients should use layman term phrases that patients would use.  If the doctor wants other doctors to read their articles, then using technical terms would be more appropriate.

File names:

Use descriptive file names.  (

In the <head>

Make each page a topic of one focal keyword or keyword phrase.

Make each page keyword phrase unique.

Use the <title> with your keyword in the front. (70 character limit) each pages title should be unique.

Use <meta> description tag up to summarize page and encourage click from snippet (156 character limit).

Within the <body> tags

Use proper header tags <h1> and through <h6> in order.

Use <img> tags with descriptive file names, alt attributes, title attributes

Use good <a> tag text and have internal and external links on each page.

Body Content

Provide at least 300 words of content on each page.

Try to use keyword a total of 3% of the words in page but make sure the text reads normally.

Proofs read your content with a spell/ grammar checker and check your Flesch Reading Ease.

Make content easy for humans and search engines to read.

Make your website busy

Update and produce content regularly. Participate in blogs and social media.

Connect social media to your website with feeds that can display on your site.

Have your link placed on other websites in exchange to place a link to their site on yours.

Help Search Engines and humans navigate

Submit Sitemap and a site map.


Get your domain name on business cards, signs, decals.    Use an email address that contains your domain name.

Monitor your website

Use Google Analytics, Google webmaster tools and Bing webmaster tools to monitor and track your website performance.  Analyze the market and adjust or increase your web pages accordingly.


SEO tools


Here are some resources to learn more about SEO and to become an expert yourself.


You don’t have to rely on search engine placement to get your domain or business recognized.   Some of the best results come from word of mouth and networking thru people you know.  Request that partners, supporting businesses provide a link to your site on their site.